Zamioculcas zamiifolia | ZZ Plant
Did you know?
ZZ plants are the plant beginner’s best friend! They’ll survive months of neglect (underwatering) but will not tolerate overwatering.
Perfect for: Neglectful plant parents.
Natural habitat: Zamioculcas zamiifolia are found in rocky and arid areas of eastern Africa
Varieties: Along with the famous ‘Zenzi’ ZZ (bright green leaves), there’s also the ‘Raven’ ZZ (dark leaves).
Light: ZZ will thrive in bright, indirect light but will also tolerate low light.
Humidity: ZZ will do fine in the average indoor humidity level.
Water: Let the soil completely dry out between waterings. ZZ are used to being in arid environments therefore will do better with under watering than overwatering.
Soil: Well-draining houseplant soil (that contains perlite or coco coir).
Temp: ZZ do well in temp. between 16-24 C. They will suffer in cold temperatures (under 5 C.)
Repotting: ZZ can be repotted in spring/early summer in a slightly larger pot. ZZ are slow growers so they don’t need to be repotted often- once every couple of years is usually enough
Propagating: ZZ can be propagated through cuttings. Cut off a section (about 6 inches) of a mature stem and put the stem in a tall glass of water. Change the water every week. When the roots are over an inch long, transplant to a pot with well-draining soil.
Fertilising: ZZ do not need to be fertilised often. You can use a regular houseplant fertiliser once or twice a year in summer months.
Common problems:
mushy brown stalks =overwatering
yellow or dropping leaves= overwatering
dry crispy tips or wrinkled leaves= under watering, dry air
You can regularly find small, medium, and big ‘Zenzi’ or ‘Raven’ ZZ in the Every Space plant shop.
Good to know: Toxic to pets